Senin, 23 Mei 2022. Andi M Nur Putra,M.T (KA Prodi Teknik Elektro) Mengadakan Outdoor Class : Project Based Learning (PjBL) di Aula Terbuka Institut Teknologi Padang sebagai implementasi dari Mata Kuliah English Conversation Semester 6.

Untuk menyiapkan  kemampuan atau kompetensi mahasiswa di era milenial  ini tentunya tanggung-jawab dosen atau tenaga pengajar semakin bertambah berat. Tenaga pengajar atau dosen di era abad milenial ini harus seantiasa inovatif dan kreatif dalam mendesain proses pembelajaran di kampus. Salah satu proses pembelajaran yang digunakan untuk mencapai kompetensi tersebut adalah melalui pembelajaran diluar kelas (Out Door) dengan Project Based Learning (PjBL), yaitu berupa pendekatan pengajaran yang dibangun di atas kegiatan pembelajaran dan tugas nyata yang memberikan tantangan bagi peserta didik yang terkait dengan kehidupan sehari-hari untuk dipecahkan secara berkelompok sebagaimana yang telah di praktekkan oleh KA Prodi Teknik Elektro ITP Bapak Andi M Nur Putra, M.T di Aula Terbuka kampus Institut Teknologi Padang.

Metode ini juga dapat membimbing mahasiswa di lapangan atau lingkungan sekitar kampus dan bisa memberikan kesempatan kepada mahasiswa untuk mengalami sendiri serta berimajinasi sendiri dalam keterampilan berkomunikasi berbahasa inggris serta dapat diterjemahkan dan dikembangkan berdasarkan kemampuan yang dimiliki. Praktik dilakukan dengan cara tanya jawab langsung kepada masing masing anggota kelompok tentang karya biografi dari tokoh-tokoh terkenal di bidang elektro, yang ditugaskan dengan rentang waktu 2 minggu. Tanya jawab tersebut dilontarkan berbahasa inggris dengan kecakapan yang baik dan komunikatif antar mahasiswa.

Berikut karya-karya mahasiswa Teknik Elektro dari masing-masing kelompok :

Kelompok 1 : Aldifa amendra makruf(2021310062),Gabriel hafizh usman (2020310057),Safira kiki rahmatwati (2019310008),Abdul rohim(2019310012),Ikbal (2020310037)

Mengangkat Tema : Electric Guitar Inventor’s (Leo Vender)

Leo Fender, pioneer in electric guitar technology, was born 112 years ago. He is the inventor who founded Fender Electric Instrument Manufacturing Company. Fender left the company in the late 1960s, and later founded two other musical instrument companies, MusicMan and G&L Musical Instruments.

Kelompok 2: Hartizan afikson (2019310029),Maya nily agustin (2019310013),Ahmad hudzafa anwar (2020310061),Acmad raiski maulana (2020310043),Joswa saputra (2020310012),Azil rizal (2019310050)

Mengangkat tema: Biography of pioneers in the development of radio communication (william henry eccles)

Eccles was a British physicist and a pioneer in the development of radio communication. Following graduation from the Royal College of Science, London, in 1898, he became an assistant to Guglielmo Marconi, the Italian radio entrepreneur. Eccles was an advocate of the theory that a conducting layer of the upper atmosphere could reflect radio waves around the curvature of the Earth, thus enabling their transmission over long distances. This region of the Earth’s atmosphere became known as the ionosphere.

Kelompok 3: Zahara julen (2020310056),Hamdi Azhar (2019310001),Rackel Jesika (2019310022),Adeki Nopenra (2019310010),Falmi Ade Saputra (2020310021)

Mengangkat Tema: inventor of the concept of integrated circuit (IC) ( William Arnold Dummer)

Geoffrey William Arnold Dummer (1909-2002), was an electronic engineer from England who has been named the inventor of the Integrated Circuit (IC) concept which until now has been widely applied to almost all electronic goods around the world.

Kelompok 4: Andre Alwi (2020310049),M. Farhan kamil (2019310026),Hajid parmanda( 2019310019),Kelvin Rizky Ramadhani (2019310038),Ilham yulianto 2019310007

Mengangkat Tema : PCB Inventor (Paul Eisler)

Austrian engineer Dr. Paul Eisler had an idea to eliminate those bundles of wiring by printing the wires onto the boards, as a result, the first operational PCB (Printed Circuit Board) was developed by Dr. Paul Eisler in 1943.

Kelompok 5: Bayu Hidayatullah (2019310006),Anisa Umi Khairi (2019310002),Cayani Dai Putri (2020310052),Ririn Devilani (2020310062),Rasyid N Sidiq (2020310019)

Mengangkat Tema: Of America’s Most Distinguished Inventors (Charles F Brush)

RUSH, CHARLES FRANCIS (17 Mar. 1849-15 June 1929), one of America’s most distinguished inventors, was born in Euclid Township to Isaac Elbert and Delia Williams Phillips Brush. He received his mining engineering degree from the University of Michigan in 1869. He worked 4 years in Cleveland as a chemist, then formed an iron dealing partnership with Chas. E. Bingham. In 1875, Brush married Mary Ellen Morris, and had 3 children, EDNA BRUSH PERKINS, Helene, and Charles.

Kelompok 6: Laras Sakti (2020310015),Nurul Ramadhan (2020310060),Bima Wahyudi (2019310041),Septiadi Firman (2019310004),Fahmi Alfiansyah (2020310005)

Mengangkat Tema: Gamelan Elektronik Prof.Adhi Susanto, M.Sc.,Ph.D

At his death in 2021, Prof. Adhi Susanto, M.Sc., Ph.D, Professor of the Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering UGM received the Gadjah Mada University Award for his services in the development of science, technology, and the arts. Prof. Adhi Susanto, known as the creator of the electronic gamelan or Gameltron. The award was given by the Chancellor at the UGM 72nd Anniversary Open Meeting at Grha Sabha Pramana, Monday, December 20, 2021.

Kelompok 7: Jourdan I Simanjuntak (2020310016),Eriyanti Nurmayon (2020310047),Jhen Venika Y S(2020310051),Jimmy Alkito L (2020310053),Akmil Saputra (2019310011)

Mengangkat Tema: Inventors Of Electric Switch (John Henry Holmes)

Newcastle and Tyneside in general, is rightly famous for the inventions produced here. From the railways to the hydraulic crane and from the first turbine driven ship to the electric light bulb (and many others besides), Tyneside was the home of some of the most important inventions in human history. But the last invention mentioned above would be of little use to use without a switch to help us turn it on. thankfully that was also invented. And the place where it was invented? Yes, Newcastle again, not far from Heaton, by a man with strong links to Heaton itself.

Kelompok 8: Rachmat Deska S (2020310018),Natasya regita cahyani (2019310003),Robby Julio (2019310024),Yengga Septiawan (2020310025),Muhammad Reza Pelawi (2020310029)

Mengangkat Tema: Oscilloscope Inventor (Ferdinand Braun)

Braun studied at the University of Marburg and received a degree at the University of Berlin in 1872. He became director of the Institute of Physics and professor of physics at Strasbourg (1895). In 1897, he built the first cathode ray tube oscilloscope. This technique is used by most TV sets and computer monitors. The cathode tube is still called a “Braun tube” (Braunsche Röhre) in German-speaking countries (and in Japan: Buraun-kan). In 1909 Braun shared the Nobel Prize in Physics with Guglielmo Marconi for “contributions to the development of wireless telegraphy.” At the start of World War I Braun moved to the United States to defend a German wireless station located on Sayville (Long Island) against attacks by the British-controlled Marconi Corporation (then the United States had not yet entered the war). Braun died at his home in Brooklyn before the war ended, in 1918.

Demikian pemberitahuan yang telah kami paparkan diatas, mudah-mudahan bermanfaat untuk kita semua. Semoga hari ini adalah bekal terbaik untuk perubahan dikemudian hari. Sejatinya, belajar dimanapun semua adalah tergantung dari keseriusan dan niat hati yang tulus. Sekian Terimakasih, Salam Edukasi.